I wanted to get back to my roots, no pun, ok maybe a little pun, and start doodling, sketching, drawing again. I did this immensely as a kid and teenager. To the point I thought I might like to work in the comic book industry. Alas, I wasn’t great at human anatomy and, well, I was a little lazy and had moved on to guitar and girls. Oops! I still liked drawing things that weren’t people and I still do. Most of my art is conceptual or metaphorical. I just kind of go where the pencil takes me. I treated this image with a couple of filters in Photoshop to give it the desired dramatic effect and color.
It kind of reminded me of a Phoenix a little bit. It seemed appropriate to call it the Phoenix Tree. Forest fires are devastating but there’s always hope of a greener future ahead. Those little seeds of hope are literally all around us. It’s up to us to take better care of the planet and live more in harmony with nature.